Prime Taxi SHD2843E – ★ Horrendous

02 Oct 2017   Jes | Taxi Company: Prime Taxi

I took the prime cab SHD2843E on 1 Oct 2017 at 4.05pm. The driver was an Indian man. Once I boarded the taxi,my instruction was “Jurong West St 51, go straight all the way”. The taxi moved on. Halfway before a junction, I noticed that the driver activated his “Turn Left” signal. Fearing that he would turn left at the junction, I told him “You can go straight”. He turned around and blasted “U looking at my signal?” I replied “yes”. He could continued “Why??? I am the driver right? Why you look at my signal???” My immediate response was “Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks”, indicating let’s end such ridiculous conversation (just shut up!). I had zero plan to waste further saliva and breath on such a unreasonable driver.

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