Premier Taxis SHB8385G – Scary taxi experience

30 Oct 2013   Michelle | Taxi Company: Premier Taxis

My friend & I boarded this cab from Changi Business Park just before midnight on 30 Oct, heading for Tiong Bahru & Jurong West. During the journey on AYE, we noticed he tend to drive to the left with sudden jerk, so we realized he was feeling drowsy. My friend & I started to chat loudly just to keep him alert along the way. However, whenever we stopped chatting, he would drift off again. He took out one candy to suck on but that didn’t last long.

When the cab stopped at the traffic junction just before turning into Jln Bukit Merah, obviously he was still feeling sleepy as he wanted to turn when it was red light!! I quickly shouted out & he apologized saying that he thought it was green!! We quickly gave the excuse that I was going to my friend’s house instead so I alighted with my friend at the same time & boarded another cab.

Please do remind your cab drivers that it is very dangerous to drive when they are feeling sleepy, especially those in the red-eye shift. Educate them to take a short break when necessary. They are not only putting the passenger & their lives at risk, they need to consider other drivers’ on the road. Money can be earned, but lives can’t be revived once they are gone. Be considerate to their love ones & other people’s.

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